A look at the journey back to life
This e-learning platform was developed by formerly incarcerated people*.
All the scenarios that you’ll encounter are real. Even the absurd and infuriating ones. You will get to see and hear the powerful voices of some impacted folks as you make your way.
We recommend users navigate the journey both without and with a guaranteed income to see the difference. When you’re on the board, you can click on our logo in the bottom right corner to activate a guaranteed income - you might be surprised at how your likelihood of staying free improves.
*with support and expertise from FIT Educational Media
Enter the journey HERE.
This platform is optimized for desktop or tablet displays.
A bit more about the experience
As you dive into this journey, you may find things frustrating, unfair, confusing, illogical, and stressful. You’ll also see that the path isn’t linear. There’s not always a clear way forward. You might have to bounce around and go way over there just to come back over here. That's kind of what it feels like in real life.
You may also notice that there is some dark humor here and there. We’re not making light of this. At all. We’ve lived it ourselves and know the immense suffering all too well. Sometimes we use levity to convey these tough realities. We do what we do to survive with our humanity intact.
A word of caution: If you’re a formerly incarcerated person, please note that some have found this platform triggering and upsetting. Consider if you want to interact with this. You’ve been through enough. Take care of yourself above all else.